10 Brands Optimizing, Uncovering & Creating Moments That Matter

The cus­tomer jour­ney is com­prised of a thou­sand moments. Brands can have an impact on all these dif­fer­ent moments that mat­ter. Here’s how brands such as Coca-Cola, Nord­stroms, Delta, and Papa John’s have done it. Brands that can iden­ti­fy and cap­i­tal­ize on untapped...

Danny Goodwin By Danny Goodwin from Momentology. Join the discussion » 0 comments

The cus­tomer jour­ney is com­prised of a thou­sand moments. Brands can have an impact on all these dif­fer­ent moments that mat­ter. Here’s how brands such as Coca-Cola, Nord­stroms, Delta, and Papa John’s have done it.

Brands that can iden­ti­fy and cap­i­tal­ize on untapped moments in the lives of con­sumers and make them mat­ter are the brands that will dis­tance them­selves from the com­pe­ti­tion.

Speak­ing at SMX East in New York City, Jef­frey K. Rohrs, VP, Mar­ket­ing Insights, Exact­Tar­get, dis­cussed how the fun­nel is “kind of explod­ing” due to an abun­dance of chan­nels and devices in con­sumers’ lives. And we know peo­ple want to inter­act with brands.

How can cre­ativ­i­ty, con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and tech­nol­o­gy trans­form your busi­ness?

Moments Create Awareness

From cre­at­ing aware­ness, to con­sid­er­a­tion, to pur­chase, to reten­tion, and to advo­ca­cy, ulti­mate­ly you want to build your audi­ence and turn cus­tomers into “fanat­i­cal walk­ing bill­boards,” said the author of “Audi­ence: Mar­ket­ing in the Age of Sub­scribers, Fans, and Fol­low­ers”. Smart brands know that you need to stream­line the pur­chase process to make it as fric­tion­less as pos­si­ble, he said.

Ever heard of under­wa­ter dogs? Nei­ther did any­one else until Seth Castell had the idea to take pic­tures of dogs (and pup­pies) under water.

After post­ing the images online, he told a few peo­ple via email and Face­book. Now he’s pub­lished books and cal­en­dars fea­tur­ing his images.

He made a career and cot­tage indus­try from a moment every­one over­looked,” Rohrs said. “What are your under­wa­ter dogs?”

Optimize Known Moments

Rohrs high­light­ed sev­er­al brands that are mak­ing the most of moments:


Popular on Pinterest

By adding a sim­ple “Pop­u­lar on Pin­ter­est” tag to an image of a purse, Nord­stroms taps into a desire peo­ple have to buy pop­u­lar things, which boosts sales, makes peo­ple aware that they’re on Pin­ter­est, and tells them they may like some oth­er items there.


Coca-Cola Nativity Scene

The Share a Coke cam­paign, in which Coca-Cola put people’s names on their bot­tles and cans, trans­formed those bot­tles into media peo­ple want­ed to share (such as the above nativ­i­ty scene).

Academy Sports + Outdoors

This busi­ness found a moment that yield­ed 15,000 new email sub­scribers per week at a val­ue of $450,000 per week. They added a light box telling site vis­i­tors to sign up to receive hot deals, price dis­counts, and more via email.


This Las Vegas hotel and casi­no urges arriv­ing guests to send a text to receive exclu­sive deals and updates. This increas­es the odds that those guests won’t go out the front door to find restau­rants or enter­tain­ment else­where, and increase share of wal­let.

Uncover Hidden Moments

How are brands find­ing untapped moments?


This insur­ance brand found a moment that trans­formed pas­sive view­ers into active ampli­fiers in 30 sec­onds. Their ad, which aired right after the Super Bowl, fea­tured a $1.5 mil­lion give­away that result­ed in 200,000 entries in 60 sec­onds, 5.4 mil­lion hash­tag uses, 2.6 bil­lion Twit­ter impres­sions, 211,000 new Twit­ter fol­low­ers, and 12x more traf­fic to their web­site.

Papa John’s

This piz­za brand found an over­looked moment, but one that was watched by mil­lions of peo­ple: the open­ing coin toss of the Super Bowl. By spon­sor­ing the coin toss, they man­aged to dri­ve thou­sands of new peo­ple to their site to sign up for rewards, and gen­er­at­ed lots of piz­za sales.


To sell busi­ness class seats, Delta launched its Inno­va­tion Class, which gives con­sumers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sit next to an influ­encer on a flight. Appli­cants apply using their LinkedIn pro­file. Delta found moments in the air to net­work, increase reach, and build an audi­ence of their tar­get audi­ence: busi­ness trav­el­ers.

Create New Moments

Rohrs high­light­ed a few brands that have suc­cess­ful­ly cre­at­ed new moments that have made a big impact for brands.

Meat Pack

This Guatemala shoe store found a moment to hijack sales from com­peti­tors locat­ed with­in the same mall and increase cus­tomer loy­al­ty. Using its mobile app, which makes use of GPS track­ing, cus­tomers would be alert­ed of a dis­count pro­mo­tion that starts at 99 per­cent and decreas­es by the sec­ond until they reach their store.

American Express

Small Business Saturday With Small Busi­ness Sat­ur­day, Amer­i­can Express found not just a moment, but an entire day that mat­ters, so much so that 41 states declared it an offi­cial day last year. Amer­i­can Express found a way to build loy­al­ty and good will, and have a $5.7 bil­lion eco­nom­ic impact.

New England Bio Labs

By upgrad­ing its freez­ers with tech­nol­o­gy and hook­ing it up with its Sales­force account, this com­pa­ny found a moment to pro­vide real-time inven­to­ry (by know­ing when items have been tak­en out and by whom), increase sales (via auto-ship­ment or replen­ish­ment), boost cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion, and find new prod­uct oppor­tu­ni­ties (i.e., pack­ag­ing prod­ucts based on usage data).

Creating Those Walking Billboards

One restau­rant chain in Ohio, Melt Bar and Grilled, has man­aged to get more than 500 peo­ple to tat­too their logo on their body and become walk­ing adver­tise­ments. As they explain on their web­site:

How can you enter into a very elite group of slight­ly warped indi­vid­u­als? You must use one of our three Melt Bar and Grilled logos and get it tat­tooed some­where on your body! We encour­age you to take aspects of one of our logos, cus­tomize it and design a tat­too that is per­son­al to you.

For per­ma­nent­ly tat­too­ing their logo, cus­tomers get 25 per­cent off for life. Talk about brand loy­al­ty!

How are you mak­ing the most of moments to build your audi­ence, make the sale, and increase brand loy­al­ty? Share with us in the com­ments.

Danny Goodwin

Written by Danny Goodwin

Managing Editor, Momentology

Danny Goodwin is the former Managing Editor of Momentology. Previously, he was the editor of Search Engine Watch, where he was in charge of editing, content strategy, and writing about search industry news.

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