Back-To-School Marketing: 4 Reasons Timing Is Crucial To Ecommerce Success

Tim­ing real­ly mat­ters dur­ing the back-to-school shop­ping sea­son – don’t miss your moment!

Emily Karram By Emily Karram from Wpromote. Join the discussion » 0 comments

No one likes being the last kid on the play­ground. Back to school is a vicious­ly com­pet­i­tive time of year, sec­ond only to the hol­i­days in rev­enue to be gained, accord­ing to Dou­bleClick by Google, and hav­ing your tim­ing down is half the bat­tle. Miss your mark, and you could find your­self miss­ing one of the biggest oppor­tu­ni­ties of the year.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” approach to online mar­ket­ing when it comes to pre­cise cal­en­dar dates for sea­sons like these. Dif­fer­ent cus­tomers shop at dif­fer­ent times. Your job as an ecom­merce retail­er will be to fig­ure out which cus­tomers you want to reach, the best ways to reach them, and what time to launch your mar­ket­ing efforts.

Geog­ra­phy fig­ures into the equa­tion here, too; schools will reopen at dif­fer­ent times accord­ing to where in the coun­try they’re locat­ed (some open in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber; some will open in ear­ly August; and plen­ty will open any­where out­side or in-between), and that will have a big impact on your plans. Here are four rea­sons why tim­ing is so impor­tant in suc­ceed­ing at back to school.

1. Promotions Need To Start At Least A Month Early

Back-to-school shop­pers start their school sup­ply restock­ing at all dif­fer­ent times of year. As the above eMar­keter arti­cle demon­strates, some shop­pers will start as ear­ly as two months out and as late as two weeks before­hand.

To hit that sweet spot in the mid­dle where almost half of all shop­pers will start their search­ing, you need to begin your pro­mo­tions at least a month in advance. This is due to sev­er­al rea­sons, includ­ing all the dif­fer­ent types of paid search ads that can be run and which ones will be most effec­tive for which shop­pers.

Spe­cif­ic tar­get­ing and remar­ket­ing ini­tia­tives will be depen­dent on how ear­ly you got your first pro­mo­tions out, and remar­ket­ing can be a pow­er­ful tool to ensnare cus­tomers who have already looked at your prod­ucts. So be pre­pared, and have those pro­mo­tions ready to go for ear­ly launch so you can reach as many cus­tomers as pos­si­ble as soon as pos­si­ble.

2. Search Engine Optimization Will Take Time

SEO can be a tricky beast to mas­ter large­ly because it is real­ly two dif­fer­ent types of endeav­ors that fall under the same umbrel­la. Each effort will require time and ded­i­ca­tion, and some­times its own team of peo­ple, in order to be done well.

First comes all the on-site ele­ments, which can include fix­ing things like title and meta tags, or opti­miz­ing the site’s speed and source code. A prop­er­ly opti­mized site will rank more high­ly in the search engines, lead­ing to more vis­i­bil­i­ty for your prod­ucts. The bet­ter your vis­i­bil­i­ty, the high­er your con­ver­sions will be. The savvi­est sites will make back to school the pri­ma­ry focus of their web­sites dur­ing this piv­otal time.

Sec­ond comes all the off-site ini­tia­tives, cre­ative efforts like info­graph­ics. The best kind of cre­ative con­tent is the kind that isn’t a sales pitch, and you can’t force a graph­ic to become viral. What is required is mak­ing the best and most engag­ing con­tent pos­si­ble and ensur­ing it reach­es the widest audi­ence you can encour­age it to reach.

Rank­ing well in search engines and gain­ing trac­tion through cre­ative both take time and sim­ply can’t be forced. There’s no “fast track” to ensur­ing instan­ta­neous pos­i­tive change or recog­ni­tion.

For this rea­son, you might want to have your SEO ele­ments in place or already begun as much as two months in advance to ensure best results. Bar­ring this best-case sce­nario, leave your­self at least a month.

3. Gaining Social Media Traction Requires Repeated Efforts

As with off-site SEO, there is no mag­ic bul­let to ensur­ing that any one of your social media posts will be the gold­en tick­et to wild suc­cess and viral pop­u­lar­i­ty. You may luck out by com­ing up with that one pithy line of text that gets your Face­book post shared across hun­dreds of News Feeds, but with an oppor­tu­ni­ty as big as back to school wait­ing to be tapped, you can’t rely on luck alone.

A depend­able social media pres­ence takes time and good­will to build, and to get good­will, you need qual­i­ty con­tent.

One sol­id back-to-school tac­tic could be run­ning a con­test, through which entrants are col­lect­ed by hash­tag­ging their posts on Twit­ter. But even this takes time: the announce­ment of the con­test, the time the con­test is allowed to run, and the announce­ment of the win­ner (plus, ide­al­ly, that win­ner ded­i­cat­ing more posts or Tweets to their vic­to­ry) could take upwards of three weeks if you’re on a fair­ly rapid sched­ule.

And this is just in an ide­al sce­nario. Real­ly good social media will take more time to build, with repeat­ed posts across the mul­ti­ple social media accounts you’re hope­ful­ly main­tain­ing.

Qual­i­ty con­tent post­ed semi-fre­quent­ly over time is the only reli­able method for get­ting your audi­ence to both notice and remain engaged with your brand social­ly.

One of the most pow­er­ful fea­tures of social is its abil­i­ty to retar­get and to per­son­al­ize: accord­ing to, 40 per­cent of stu­dents and 45 per­cent of par­ents said “per­son­al­iza­tion in adver­tis­ing,” which is pos­si­ble through the inti­ma­cy and imme­di­a­cy of social media, got their atten­tion.

4. Mobile Is King & Needs To Be Ready As Early As Possible

One of the sin­gle most impor­tant things a busi­ness can have is a ful­ly opti­mized mobile web­site. A mobile site is impor­tant for every point men­tioned above and more.

Accord­ing to pro­pri­etary Google research, mobile impact­ed more con­sumers per dol­lar spend than both broad­cast and cable TV dur­ing the back-to-school sea­son of 2014, and 56 per­cent of back-to-school con­sumers will use a smart­phone when shop­ping.

Even more impor­tant­ly, Googled rolled out a “mobile-friend­ly update” in April of this year, which was designed to “boost the rank­ing of mobile-friend­ly pages on mobile search results” accord­ing to the offi­cial Google Web­mas­ter Cen­tral Blog.

Think that means your busi­ness needs a mobile web­site? Absolute­ly.

With more than half of shop­pers search­ing for their back-to-school prod­ucts on their mobile devices, if your page isn’t mobile-friend­ly, you’ll suf­fer a hit to your rank­ings and stand to lose shop­pers who don’t want to put up with a frus­trat­ing­ly dif­fi­cult-to-use web­site that isn’t trans­lat­ing onto their smart­phone.

If your site isn’t already mobile opti­mized, that needs to be your top pri­or­i­ty even before points one through three of this arti­cle. Even if you only make it mobile respon­sive ver­sus mobile opti­mized, that would be an impor­tant step up that would allow you to get your oth­er back-to-school mar­ket­ing efforts off the ground. As with every oth­er step, devel­op­ing a mobile web­site will take time, so jump on that imme­di­ate­ly if you haven’t already!


If you’re sud­den­ly feel­ing rushed about get­ting your back-to-school mar­ket­ing in gear, good; that’s how you should be feel­ing. But don’t fret.

There’s still enough time to make sure you set up all the nec­es­sary pieces to a sol­id back-to-school cam­paign. Just use that ener­gy to good pur­pose and get start­ed as soon as pos­si­ble!

With the right mar­ket­ing strate­gies and enough advance time and plan­ning, you’ll make this back-to-school sea­son rock.

What has worked well for you in your back-to-school mar­ket­ing cam­paigns?

Emily Karram

Written by Emily Karram

Marketing Editor, Wpromote

Emily Karram is marketing editor at Wpromote, the nation's leading digital Commerce Agency specializing in search engine optimization, paid search, social media marketing, and more. Her role as editor allows her to wear a number of different hats, from researcher to graphic designer to all-around fixer upper, and allows her to spend every day making her agency's communications better. Writing is her passion, and making things look pretty is her jam.

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