5 Types Of Powerful Content For Health Care Brands

Dri­ve more traf­fic to your site, improve your search efforts, and increase engage­ment.

Victoria Edwards By Victoria Edwards from Florida Blue. Join the discussion » 0 comments

For health care brands, cre­at­ing pow­er­ful con­tent that res­onates with your audi­ence may seem extreme­ly dif­fi­cult. We must abide by cer­tain rules and reg­u­la­tions. We must be extreme­ly care­ful that our con­tent is accu­rate and uses the prop­er tone. And we also have to make sure we do our best to bal­ance edu­ca­tion­al con­tent with fun and engag­ing types of con­tent – some­times, they blend togeth­er. So what types of con­tent are most pow­er­ful in the health care indus­try?

Pow­er­ful con­tent can help dri­ve traf­fic to your site, have a pos­i­tive effect on your social media and search mar­ket­ing efforts, and improve con­sumer engage­ment. Here are five types of pow­er­ful con­tent for health care brands.

1. Health Care Infographics

Health care info­graph­ics can be great and are rel­a­tive­ly easy to pro­duce, pro­vid­ed you have a cre­ative on staff to help you devel­op these graph­ics. Even if you don’t, using tools like Can­va can help you devel­op fun and edu­ca­tion­al con­tent for your audi­ence.

While info­graph­ics tend to dis­play data or sta­tis­tics in a visu­al­ly pleas­ing way, you can always devel­op ever­green-based info­graph­ic con­tent. Doing this will let you repur­pose the info­graph­ics on a sea­son­al basis, giv­ing it more legs and giv­ing you more oppor­tu­ni­ty to have con­tent you can always pro­mote.

For exam­ple, you could devel­op con­tent on flu vac­cines, pre­vent­ing the com­mon cold, or fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about health care or health insur­ance. Regard­less of your top­ic, make sure your infor­ma­tion has been fact checked by your review team before mov­ing for­ward with visu­al devel­op­ment.

2. Health & Wellness Guides

Doing any lead gen­er­a­tion? Health and well­ness guides could be your gold­en tick­et to get the traf­fic and leads you’re crav­ing. While this takes time, it can have a big pay­off in the end.

For exam­ple, you could devel­op guides on food or weight man­age­ment. Then you could share these around New Year’s or before sum­mer, as those are times when peo­ple are more like­ly to respond to that con­tent.

Look into your ana­lyt­ics and see what con­tent is get­ting the most traf­fic. Repur­pos­ing exist­ing con­tent (blog posts, arti­cles) into guides by repack­ag­ing your con­tent could save you time and mon­ey.

One thing to keep in mind for these health and well­ness guides is that their goal shouldn’t be to dri­ve sales or con­ver­sions, but rather to place your poten­tial con­sumer into the sales fun­nel. This content’s val­ue comes from the edu­ca­tion it brings, and with the hopes of bring­ing peo­ple into the sales fun­nel.

3. Health Care 101

Health care 101 con­tent will always and for­ev­er be an easy win with peo­ple, whether you’re in the health care or health insur­ance world. While it may seem over­done, it def­i­nite­ly isn’t.

Even if you think you sound like a bro­ken record, it is help­ful con­tent for con­sumers, mem­bers, and patients. This con­tent can be con­stant­ly devel­oped, recy­cled, and updat­ed. Devel­op­ing cat­e­gories like “Health Insur­ance Explained” or “Health Care Reform” will aide in the user expe­ri­ence, so your audi­ence will be able to find this con­tent more eas­i­ly.

In addi­tion, devel­op­ing con­tent on health care 101 top­ics can aid your SEO efforts. As algo­rithms in search have changed to move toward a more seman­tic type search, con­tent built out on fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions could tap into your long-tail key­word strat­e­gy, which can improve your organ­ic search vis­i­bil­i­ty.

4. The Health Care Podcast

Your audi­ence doesn’t con­sume and retain con­tent all the same way, which means you have to be diverse in your con­tent devel­op­ment. Pod­cast­ing is one of many ways you can get your mes­sage across.

At Flori­da Blue, we have a pod­cast on ICD-10, which essen­tial­ly the cod­ing sys­tem used by the world health orga­ni­za­tion. While the sys­tem was mov­ing from ICD‑9 to ICD-10, it was impor­tant to edu­cate our audi­ence on the prepa­ra­tion of the tran­si­tion in addi­tion to pro­vid­ing updates through­out the tran­si­tion.

Var­i­ous indi­vid­u­als would devel­op the pod­casts, by inter­view­ing sev­er­al inter­nal and exter­nal sub­ject mat­ter experts. We then would edit the con­tent and devel­op a blog post sum­ma­riz­ing the pod­cast. Final­ly, we would embed the pod­cast, along with a deck into the blog post, and share it to our social net­works. This makes it con­ve­nient for the user, as they have options with how and where they con­sume con­tent.

5. The Testimonial

A tes­ti­mo­ni­al is the most pow­er­ful, but trick­i­est, type of con­tent for health care brands. It’s the best type of con­tent as you aren’t telling the sto­ry of your brand or the expe­ri­ence of your brand – the con­sumer is.

One way you could turn a tes­ti­mo­ni­al into con­tent is by ask­ing the per­son who left the review if you could inter­view him or her for a blog post, or if you could turn their tes­ti­mo­ni­al into an image. You could even col­lect a group of tes­ti­mo­ni­als and turn that into a piece of con­tent for your blog or web­site.

You should always ask the peo­ple who left a review per­mis­sion to use their con­tent. While tech­ni­cal­ly reviews and tes­ti­mo­ni­als left on social media or review sites are pub­lic, it is always a nice ges­ture to ask the indi­vid­ual, just to be on the cau­tion­ary side.

Devel­op­ing pow­er­ful health care con­tent for your audi­ence doesn’t have to be chal­leng­ing. With some cre­ativ­i­ty and plan­ning, you will be well on your way to deliv­er­ing con­tent that can increase traf­fic, SEO effec­tive­ness, and audi­ence engage­ment.

Victoria Edwards

Written by Victoria Edwards

Digital Content Strategist, Florida Blue

Victoria has been working in online marketing for the past 10ξyears, with specific focus in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media and Content Marketing. She is currently the Digital Content Strategist for Florida Blue. In her position she focuses on content development, management and optimization on their various sites, in addition to SEO, and social media marketing.

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