Improving The Customer Experience With Content This Holiday Season

Here are some inspir­ing hol­i­day con­tent mar­ket­ing cam­paign ideas to attract shop­pers.

Kelly Wrather By Kelly Wrather from Kenshoo. Join the discussion » 0 comments

The last sev­er­al months of the year are a key time for retail­ers as they hope to cap­i­tal­ize on the hol­i­day shop­ping sea­son. In the fierce­ly com­pet­i­tive retail space, the brands that rise above are those that offer a supe­ri­or cus­tomer expe­ri­ence – one that is per­son­al­ized and con­sumer-cen­tric. A Gart­ner sur­vey found that “89% of com­pa­nies plan to com­pete pri­mar­i­ly on the basis of the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence by 2016,” mak­ing this a key way to stand out dur­ing the hol­i­day hype.

Most all retail­ers amp up their sea­son­al mar­ket­ing efforts to cap­ture and re-engage con­sumers, entic­ing them with deals and pro­mo­tions to edge out the com­pe­ti­tion.

For these types of efforts, pri­or­i­tiz­ing per­son­al­iza­tion to cre­ate a more 1:1 mes­sages will help you res­onate with your poten­tial buy­ers. Use the data you have make emails and ads more mean­ing­ful for the indi­vid­ual, based on their inter­ests and past behav­iors across your site and the web.

While these more direct, sales-spe­cif­ic tac­tics are valu­able to attract poten­tial cus­tomers, retail­ers should also think about how they can bring more sto­ry­telling into their hol­i­day con­tent to real­ly res­onate with shop­pers.

Here are some inspired hol­i­day con­tent cam­paign ideas.

Share Seasonally Inspired Blog Content That Your Audience Will Appreciate

Young and fresh cloth­ing brand Madewell knows its audi­ence well. It offered its cool-girl audi­ence some equal­ly cool con­tent last hol­i­day includ­ing gift­ing tips from pop­u­lar blog­gers, “non-cheesy” hol­i­day playlists, and tips for de-stress­ing.

Williams Sono­ma gets this right too by pro­vid­ing its culi­nary cus­tomers with tips for build­ing the per­fect cook­ie tin, recipes and all – a del­ish, bite-sized piece of rel­e­vant con­tent. They also expert­ly weave in links to addi­tion­al posts to help dri­ve read­ers to more deeply engage with their posts as well as seam­less­ly inte­grate corol­lary prod­ucts that con­sumers can buy in a few extra clicks, if so com­pelled.

Get Visual And Inspire Passion On Pinterest

Sepho­ra curates a fan­tas­tic selec­tion of Pin­ter­est boards for its styl­ish and social shop­pers. For the hol­i­days, they high­light gifts by price points, gifts for guys, ide­al stock­ing stuffers, Black Fri­day deals, and more.

In addi­tion to help­ing mak­ing your shop­ping eas­i­er, Sepho­ra offers boards to inspire hol­i­day looks so con­sumers can put pur­chas­es to use.

Anoth­er great brand that lever­ages Pin­ter­est well is one I’ve already sung the prais­es of: Lowes. While Lowes doesn’t seem like my first stop for hol­i­day shop­ping, they pro­vide con­sumers like me a rea­son to con­sid­er­ing com­ing in by offer­ing ideas for hol­i­day décor and DIY projects.

Create Compelling Video Narratives

One of my favorite hol­i­day exe­cu­tions came last year from Kate Spade with its first “episode” in a series called #mis­sad­ven­ture. The video stars Anna Kendrick – some­one their tar­get demo­graph­ic can cer­tain­ly con­nect with and relate to – as a “mad­cap hero­in” who gets locked out of her Man­hat­tan brown­stones, her Kate Spade shop­ping bags and hol­i­day gifts in tow.

This video feels more like a webisode in a series that I want to keep watch­ing than a sales tool. Of course, it neat­ly serves that pur­pose as well, offer­ing view­ers a shop­ping guide to Anna’s fea­tured looks.

As an addi­tion­al touch, the brand offers a behind the scenes video with Anna where she dis­cuss­es her wrap­ping strate­gies, the best gift she’s received, and her sea­son­al sur­vival strate­gies.

These more human, less salesy con­tent touch­es can help build trust and rap­port with audi­ences so you devel­op cus­tomers who want to come back to your brand dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son and beyond – not just because of the pur­chas­es, but also the util­i­ty in the inter­ac­tions and full expe­ri­ence they receive.

What are some of your favorite exam­ples of hol­i­day con­tent?

Kelly Wrather

Written by Kelly Wrather

Sr. Manager, Content Marketing, Kenshoo

Kelly Wrather is the Senior Manager of Content Marketing at Kenshoo, the global leader in predictive marketing software. Prior to joining Kenshoo, she helped launch the Accuen brand, the trading desk of Omnicom Media Group. A graduate of Boston University's College of Communication, Wrather's previous experience also spans social media and online community management.

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