Homing In On Every Search-Led Travel Buying Cycle Touchpoint

How brands can do the best pos­si­ble job of cater­ing to trav­el­ers’ needs from a search per­spec­tive, at every search-led stage in the buy­ing cycle.

Daniel Bianchini By Daniel Bianchini from White.net. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Today’s trav­el­ers enjoy more choice than ever, with numer­ous ways to search for and book their jour­neys. How do you do the best pos­si­ble job of cater­ing to trav­el­ers’ needs from a search per­spec­tive, at every search-led stage in the buy­ing cycle? It’s all about being there every time there’s a touch­point.

Why Is The Travel Sector Different?

Most experts agree the best way to dri­ve loy­al­ty in the trav­el sec­tor is to deliv­er the best pos­si­ble user expe­ri­ence, infor­ma­tion, and updates – not just dur­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion and book­ing process, but also before, dur­ing, and after the trip itself. Accord­ing to John Wal­lace from VP Busi­ness Con­sult­ing:

Cus­tomer recog­ni­tion across the grow­ing num­ber of pos­si­ble channels/interaction points is extreme­ly impor­tant, not only for opti­mis­ing mar­ket­ing strategies/tactics for each cus­tomer, but also for enabling the trav­el provider to cor­rect­ly val­ue both the absolute and rel­a­tive finan­cial val­ue each cus­tomer brings to its busi­ness.”

In oth­er words, to do a prop­er job of trav­el mar­ket­ing, you need to inter­act with a prospect at every pos­si­ble touch­point.

The trav­el indus­try buy­ing cycle comes with a large num­ber of touch­points, begin­ning very ear­ly in the process when some­one decides they want to book a trip and end­ing at the stage when they final­ly return home. It’s clear you need to con­sis­tent­ly rein­force your brand promise across every cus­tomer touch­point.

Focus­ing on search, the ques­tions becomes, how do you make sure you reach peo­ple at every pos­si­ble stage from a search per­spec­tive?

How To Hit Search-Related Travel Industry Touchpoints

Peo­ple typ­i­cal­ly search for infor­ma­tion in dif­fer­ent ways depend­ing on what stage they’re at in the buy­ing process. They might use your brand name, car­ry out a des­ti­na­tion search or a flight search in the ear­ly stages, mov­ing onto more spe­cif­ic search queries the far­ther they get down the sales fun­nel.

This means the tar­get audi­ence can use any num­ber of rel­e­vant key terms, includ­ing more gener­ic head terms as well as long-tail search queries to find what they want. Most peo­ple use a com­bi­na­tion, which means it’s your job to har­ness the search ele­ment of the buy­ing cycle at mul­ti­ple touch­points, remain­ing vis­i­ble through­out the process and keep­ing your brand right at the front of users’ minds.

How To Make Sure You’re Visible To Searchers At Every Touchpoint?

What should you do to ensure you don’t miss a cru­cial touch­point along the trav­el indus­try sales fun­nel? As with so much in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, you need to under­stand what your user is look­ing for and cre­ate the best con­tent to answer it.

Touchpoint: Search queries based on destination

Type of con­tent need­ed: Imag­ine that thou­sands of users a month search Google for “hol­i­days to Spain”. It makes sense to write con­tent that goes into detail about hol­i­days to Spain, look­ing at all the dif­fer­ent angles that the user might be inter­est­ed in. This could include the dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tion air­ports to choose from, regions, cities, resorts, weath­er, attrac­tions, nightlife… you get the pic­ture.

Touchpoint: Long-tail searches that go into deeper detail

Type of con­tent need­ed: If a good num­ber of users search using the long-tail term “Buy the cheap­est direct flight to Barcelona in Novem­ber 2014”, their inten­tion is as clear as a bell. Google’s Hum­ming­bird update means it’s eas­i­er to make plain Eng­lish, con­ver­sa­tion­al search queries, and peo­ple are doing it more and more often.

Can you deliv­er a piece of con­tent that direct­ly ful­fills their needs? If so, and assum­ing you do a good enough job of it, your con­tent should be reward­ed by search engines in response to the query, and your brand will appear in front of peo­ple at the exact point they’ve made a clear buy­ing sig­nal.

Touchpoint: Search queries based on price

Type of con­tent need­ed: Because trav­el is often bought on price and the price dif­fer­ences in the indus­try can be sub­tle, pop­u­lar price-led search­es like “cheap­est Europe flights” or “low cost hol­i­days in Scot­land” deserve appro­pri­ate con­tent. You might talk about your flight prices as a whole, why they’re such good val­ue, what added value/extras you deliv­er above and beyond great pric­ing, why you’re the [best / most effi­cient / reli­able / trust­wor­thy / knowl­edge­able], and so on.

How To Prioritize?

As you can imag­ine, the touch­point poten­tial is end­less for search, nev­er mind for all the oth­er online and offline touch­points. You might decide to pri­or­i­tize the con­tent you cre­ate to ful­fill search­es that are fur­ther down the sales fun­nel, toward the buy­ing end, rather than in the ear­ly stages where it’s much more of a chal­lenge to com­pete for pop­u­lar, high-lev­el head terms.

Never Create Content For Content’s Sake

There’s a caveat, of course. It’s no good just writ­ing con­tent for con­tent’s sake, just so it’ll be picked up by search engines.

While it’s impor­tant to take search engines and search term pop­u­lar­i­ty into account, it’s more impor­tant to put peo­ple first. Gen­uine rel­e­vance and real val­ue are vital.

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Daniel Bianchini

Written by Daniel Bianchini

Director of Services, White.net

Daniel Bianchini is Director of Services at White.net an Oxford based digital marketing agency. A talented digital marketing professional Daniel has a large breadth of experience across multiple industries including retail, travel and finance. Known by his peers as an excellent communicator, he speaks frequently at conferences on topics ranging from technical SEO to content creation. With an analytical mind, Daniel shapes digital campaigns that deliver the best results from SEO and PPC.

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