Selling More Cake With Simple SEO In 15 Minutes

How can Linkdex’s newest fea­ture, Vis­i­bil­i­ty, help Wait­rose sell more cake in 15 min­utes?

Matt Roberts By Matt Roberts from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Explor­ing indus­try data, eval­u­at­ing which brands are vis­i­ble for dif­fer­ent terms and mar­kets, and find­ing the best pages on the inter­net (with their esti­mat­ed traf­fic, and equiv­a­lent paid search val­ue), is some­thing I’ve been enjoy­ing doing at Linkdex behind closed doors for a few weeks whilst we test our new page-lev­el vis­i­bil­i­ty fea­ture. Today it goes live, and I want­ed to share with you some of exam­ples of some fun stuff we’ve found.

I some­times shop at Wait­rose. It turns out that Linkdex has them rank­ing for over 111,000 key­words. They have near­ly 19,000 unique rank­ing pages that are gen­er­at­ing over 700,000 vis­its a month.


When bench­marked against Sainsbury’s, it’s clear they are not doing as well. Sainsbury’s are being found for more key­words, have more rank­ing pages, and unsur­pris­ing­ly are gen­er­at­ing more traf­fic and val­ue.


But per­haps brand search­es are the dif­fer­ent, so let’s fil­ter to exclude brand names:


So I exclud­ed all the vari­a­tions of the spelling “Sainsbury’s” and “Wait­rose” using the search fil­ter. With Vis­i­bil­i­ty’s search fil­ters you can define sim­ple key­word search­es and oper­a­tors — such as “AND”, or “-” oper­a­tors to exclude cer­tain key­words. Doing this ensures you’re com­par­ing apples with apples.

It turns out that Sainsbury’s are still win­ning.

OK. Let’s look deep­er. Mmm­m­mm. What about “wed­ding cake”? So I added the search “wed­ding AND cake” to see what the state of the nations is for a non-brand­ed wed­ding cake show­down between Wait­rose and Sainsbury’s. And the win­ner is….


Wait­rose. Bet­ter rank­ings, more con­tent, and more traf­fic and val­ue gen­er­at­ed. So what’s their secret sauce?

I’m now look­ing at just Wait­rose, hav­ing fil­tered by “wed­ding AND cake”, and it’s pos­si­ble to see the rel­e­vant key­words rank­ings, and also the 29 rank­ing pages deliv­er­ing val­ue. One in par­tic­u­lar is stand­ing out.


Using the new page-lev­el fil­ter to drill down to just this page reveals some inter­est­ing results:


About 10,000 vis­its a month, and over £40,000 of equiv­a­lent paid search val­ue per year.

So what doesn’t it rank for well? A quick scan shows me that rank­ings out­side the top 10 often have the word ‘ideas’ in. Let’s trty anoth­er fil­ter…


It would appear that a good opti­mi­sa­tion exper­i­ment Wait­rose could try would be to include more con­tent on “ideas”. In addi­tion, a high­ly rank­ing, real­ly good wed­ding cake guide page could be bet­ter and grab anoth­er 1,500 vis­its.

This process was­n’t just fun (OK, and I’m lit­tle geeky), it was real­ly easy, and any­one could do the same to increase rev­enues using basic SEO tech­niques.

Now if I was in the wed­ding cake mar­ket myself I’d want to look deep­er at this. I’d use Linkdex to check out the vol­ume of inter­nal and exter­nal links, as well as social shares to this page. Who’s linked where? And can they link to me? Who are the authors rank­ing for key­words with “wed­ding AND cakes”?


Enti­ty search gives us sev­en­ty influ­en­tial authors. Boom. Now if i’m Sains­bury’s, all I need to do is write a killer page, one that gets peo­ple talk­ing and using your page as a resource (bet­ter than Wait­rose’s).

All in all this is pret­ty pow­er­ful stuff for less than 15 min­utes work.

So… what would the best wed­ding cake con­tent look like, that these peo­ple want to con­tribute and link to?

White board ses­sion any­one. Can I be chief scribe?

And there you have it; a whis­tle-stop tour of just how easy it is to dis­cov­er insights and oppor­tu­ni­ties. I hope you enjoy the new page-lev­el fil­ter, and be sure to make the most of Lin­dex’s extreme­ly flex­i­ble fil­ter­ing and bench­mark­ing soft­ware. Let us know what you find!

Matt Roberts

Written by Matt Roberts

Chief Strategy Officer, Linkdex

Matt has worked in marketing for over 20 years with SEO being his focus for nearly a decade. As Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, he is the driving force behind the Linkdex platform. Matt works with clients across the globe to discover opportunities to use data, insights, and processes to grow organic traffic and revenue – and give our clients an unfair advantage. Matt cycles and with a growing collection of road bikes, he is fast becoming a cycling geek.

Inked is published by Linkdex, the SEO platform of choice for professional marketers.

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