Exit Popups: How 6 Firms Boosted Email Signups & Sales

A well-craft­ed mes­sage on your exit pop­up could mean more cus­tomers, sub­scribers, and buy­ers.

Michael Georgiou By Michael Georgiou from Imaginovation. Join the discussion » 0 comments

We live in the dig­i­tal era where the var­i­ous social net­work­ing plat­forms play a mam­moth role in facil­i­tat­ing busi­ness suc­cess. This, how­ev­er, doesn’t mean that email is of lit­tle or no impor­tance. In fact, it con­tin­ues to be one of the most effec­tive cus­tomer acqui­si­tion tools.

Smart mar­keters can make opti­mal use of this tool to achieve the desired busi­ness out­come. This is where hav­ing an exit pop­up on your web­site comes into the pic­ture. It can help you boost email signups and serve your mar­ket­ing objec­tives per­fect­ly.

Here are six firms that are imple­ment­ing exit pop­ups effec­tive­ly in order to increase their site traf­fic, lead gen­er­a­tion, and sales.

1. Canvas Factory

Canvas Factory

Can­vas Fac­to­ry, a can­vas print­ing ser­vice provider, launched an exit over­lay cam­paign in order to con­vert aban­don­ing vis­i­tors into new signups, there­by expand­ing its email reach in the Aus­tralian mar­ket.


The com­pa­ny con­duct­ed a 60-day test, where it used an exit over­lay which aimed to cap­ture email address­es from the web­site users. Can­vas Fac­to­ry was able to con­vert 13.51 per­cent of aban­don­ing vis­i­tors into new email signups by using exit pop­up.

What made it suc­cess­ful

Can­vas Fac­to­ry strong­ly pro­mot­ed its brand and incen­tivized sign-ups by offer­ing a 75 per­cent first-order dis­count, helped the busi­ness acquire valu­able sales leads.

2. Amen Clinics

Healing ADD in 30 days

Amen Clin­ics pro­vides its clients with brain SPECT (sin­gle pho­ton emis­sion com­put­ed tomog­ra­phy) analy­sis to diag­nose and treat dis­or­ders includ­ing ADHD, behav­ioral prob­lems, and mem­o­ry issues. It used exit pop­ups to let prospec­tive clients bet­ter under­stand what their pro­gram was about.

Results A 30-day test, involv­ing the use of an exit over­lay, aimed toward increas­ing the con­ver­sion rate was con­duct­ed. It showed strik­ing­ly impres­sive results. 19.44 per­cent users who viewed this exit over­lay were con­vert­ed to high­ly-valu­able sales leads from being aban­don­ing vis­i­tors.

What made it suc­cess­ful Amen’s exit pop­up helped skep­ti­cal vis­i­tors erase doubts about the prod­uct on offer. It allowed its vis­i­tors to try an aspect of the pro­gram before mak­ing a pur­chase by sim­ply exchang­ing their email address­es.

3. YourMechanic


Found­ed in 2011, YourMe­chan­ic offers auto­mo­bile repair ser­vices. It makes car repair and main­te­nance afford­able and con­ve­nient. It imple­ment­ed the exit pop­up tool in order to edu­cate its prospects on the con­ve­nience and the qual­i­ty of the mobile mechan­ic ser­vice it offers.


Over a 3‑month peri­od, this exit pop­up engaged 7.16 per­cent of aban­don­ing users to the desired goal of fill­ing out a free-quote form.

What made it suc­cess­ful

For users who were about to leave the page, YourMe­chan­ic used the exit pop­up to cre­ate a sense of emer­gency by using a time-spe­cif­ic head­line and an effec­tive CTA (call-to-action). The CTA made the offer a lit­tle more com­pelling, there­by entic­ing users and per­suad­ing them to stay on the web­site longer.

4. GR8 Fires

GR8 Fires

GR8 Fires is a UK-based retail­er of wood-burn­ing stoves, mul­ti-fuel stoves, wall-hung elec­tric fires, and inset elec­tric fires. They have been in busi­ness for 30 years.

Owing to its long sales cycle, GR8 Fires was fac­ing the chal­lenge of devis­ing ways to sell more stoves to their prospects. This is when they decid­ed to dis­play an exit pop­up that specif­i­cal­ly informed users that they need not wor­ry about instal­la­tion costs or relat­ed process­es.

GR8 Fires cre­at­ed an online cal­cu­la­tor that pro­vid­ed the details for installing a GR8 Fires prod­uct. The motive was to offer the cal­cu­la­tor for free in exchange for the user’s email address.


The use of an exit pop­up result­ed in a 300 per­cent increase in month­ly lead sales, and a 48.54 per­cent rise in sales from users who signed up to get access to the cal­cu­la­tor.

What made it suc­cess­ful

The exit pop­up was sim­ple, yet effec­tive in design. It had a basic prod­uct snap­shot, per­sua­sive con­tent, and a direc­tion­al arrow point­ing towards the CTA. More­over, they were offer­ing a cal­cu­la­tor, which could pro­vide prospects with valu­able infor­ma­tion for free.

5. Lavinia Lingerie

Lavinia Lingerie

Lavinia Lin­gerie is a Vir­ginia-based busi­ness that sells Euro­pean-inspired lin­gerie to online and offline cus­tomers. It incen­tivized email signups by offer­ing an imme­di­ate 20 per­cent dis­count to users who left their email address through their exit pop­up.


In about 5 months, Lavinia’s exit pop­up cap­tured 3,257 new email sub­scribers, which was more than thrice the total num­ber of sub­scribers at the time.

What made it suc­cess­ful

In order to max­i­mize the expo­sure of their offer, Lavinia placed the exit pop­up on each prod­uct page through­out their web­site.

6. Olathe Toyota

Olathe Toyota

Olathe Toy­ota, a car deal­er­ship, helps users find Toy­ota parts eas­i­ly and order them quick­ly. The com­pa­ny decid­ed to place its toll-free num­ber on its exit pop­up in order to increase its call traf­fic.


Olathe’s exit pop­up gen­er­at­ed 54 per­cent increase in call vol­ume. The tool helped increase Olathe’s month­ly web­site rev­enue by 15 per­cent.

What made it suc­cess­ful

When users would begin to aban­don the page, the exit over­lay would instant­ly pop up, dim­ming out the land­ing page in the back­ground and focus­ing users’ atten­tion towards the toll-free helpline.


Users might leave your site for any rea­son. But you still have a moment to grab their atten­tion before they go.

A well-exe­cut­ed exit pop­up can help gen­er­ate leads from poten­tial­ly bounced traf­fic. With the right mes­sage on your exit pop­up, you can poten­tial­ly con­vert bounced traf­fic into cus­tomers, sub­scribers, and buy­ers.

These six firms have used exit pop­ups to boost their email signups tremen­dous­ly. Have you avoid­ed using this ver­sa­tile mar­ket­ing tool, believ­ing it to be con­tro­ver­sial? Do these results make you con­sid­er imple­ment­ing a site exit pop­up?

Michael Georgiou

Written by Michael Georgiou

Co-Founder & CMO, Imaginovation

Michael Georgiou is the CMO and Co-founder of Imaginovation, a full service, turn-key digital solutions company serving Raleigh, NC and Charlotte, NC. He's a dynamic business professional with proven success in creative strategy, online branding, project management and communication projects.

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