A Simple 4‑Step Process To Help Drive Connected Customer Experiences

Fol­low this sim­ple four-step process to fig­ure out whether your brand’s mobile strat­e­gy is real­ly help­ing to cre­ate con­nect­ed cus­tomer expe­ri­ences.

Lahary Ravuri By Lahary Ravuri from Adobe Experience Manager Mobile. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Many brands still believe that they need to estab­lish web­sites first, only think­ing about mobile once they have laid their online foun­da­tions. How­ev­er, as time goes by, we are tran­si­tion­ing from a mobile-first envi­ron­ment to a mobile-only envi­ron­ment. Mobile is no longer an after­thought when it comes to your cus­tomer jour­ney; mobile is a cru­cial aspect of com­pre­hen­sive cus­tomer expe­ri­ences.

Go to any restau­rant or use any mode of pub­lic trans­porta­tion, and you will see the same thing: a sea of peo­ple star­ing at their phones. The per­cent­age of time spent online ver­sus that occur­ring on mobile con­tin­ues to increase year over year. In the past decade, we have become more and more con­nect­ed to our phones – so much so that we expect to be able to con­duct our entire lives from the palms of our hands. The proof of this truth is every­where around us.

Mobile Is Mandatory

Over time, peo­ple are phas­ing out their desk­top com­put­ers. Peo­ple from many coun­tries – and in fact, many younger folks in the Unit­ed States as well – have begun to use their phones exclu­sive­ly. Peo­ple are on the go, often away from home, and need to be able to con­nect from any­where. So they turn to the devices they rely on to reach out to the world: their phones. As a result, it is cru­cial for brands to under­stand that mobile is no longer option­al, and it def­i­nite­ly isn’t some­thing that should be put on the back burn­er.

If your web­site isn’t mobile respon­sive, it can be a deal break­er for mobile users. Fur­ther­more, your web­site should be mobile-friend­ly. Users who can’t eas­i­ly load and nav­i­gate your web­site from their mobile phones are like­ly to turn to anoth­er brand. Many brands assume that, because they have devel­oped a mobile app, they don’t need to focus on cre­at­ing mobile-friend­ly web­sites. How­ev­er, many users will not down­load your app – espe­cial­ly if they have already had a neg­a­tive mobile expe­ri­ence. It’s incred­i­bly impor­tant to make sure that your cus­tomers have pos­i­tive expe­ri­ences with your brand – no mat­ter how they inter­act with you.

Seamless Brand Experiences

You have no con­trol over how cus­tomers first inter­act with your brand. How­ev­er, since we know that, over time, peo­ple are engag­ing more and more via mobile, it makes sense to ensure that your mobile expe­ri­ence is the same as a desk­top expe­ri­ence is the same as an in-store expe­ri­ence. Every­thing – from brand­ing to lan­guage to return poli­cies – should be the same across all touch­points. This helps cus­tomers feel that they are tru­ly con­nect­ing to one uni­fied brand. How can you tell whether your mobile strat­e­gy is real­ly help­ing to dri­ve these con­nect­ed expe­ri­ences though? You can fol­low this sim­ple four-step process.

Step 1: Build

All cam­paigns need strong con­tent that is in-line with both your brand and your goals. This is an impor­tant first step to reach­ing out to your cus­tomers.

Step 2: Manage

Once the con­tent has been cre­at­ed, you will man­age when and where it pub­lish­es. You can then con­trol cus­tomer expe­ri­ences with your brand for each cam­paign.

Step 3: Measure

Once the con­tent is pro­duced, how can you be sure that you have cre­at­ed the right con­tent? It is always impor­tant to go back to your ana­lyt­ics and mea­sure whether your cam­paigns have been reach­ing the goals you have set for them. With­out mea­sure­ment, your brand is launch­ing con­tent into cyber­space with­out under­stand­ing your cus­tomers’ expe­ri­ences with that con­tent.

Step 4: Optimize

Any cam­paign can be tweaked and improved. It’s impor­tant to opti­mize your con­tent based on the results of your ana­lyt­ics so that you can con­stant­ly improve your tar­get­ing and cus­tomer expe­ri­ences.

The process to cre­ate con­nect­ed expe­ri­ences is an iter­a­tive one. At a com­pa­ny that real­ly makes the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence a pri­or­i­ty, this cycle will hap­pen repeat­ed­ly across all chan­nels – with mobile being as crit­i­cal as any oth­er chan­nel. If you don’t seri­ous­ly con­sid­er mobile an impor­tant part of your cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, it is almost guar­an­teed that one of your com­peti­tors will.

Lahary Ravuri

Written by Lahary Ravuri

Group Manager, Strategy & Product Marketing, Adobe Experience Manager Mobile

Lahary Ravuri is passionate about mobile technologies and the role mobile plays in connecting people, products and services. She serves as group manager of product marketing for Adobe Experience Manager Mobile, responsible for business growth and go-to-market strategy for Adobe's enterprise mobile apps business.

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