Mercedes Is Using Instagram To Woo Generation Y

Insta­gram cam­paign cre­ates aware­ness of new car mod­els, but will it dri­ve more sales?

Lisa Lacy By Lisa Lacy. Join the discussion » 0 comments

The Kar­dashi­ans, the Hiltons and the like might be notable excep­tions, but the aver­age young con­sumer is prob­a­bly not the first to come to mind as the ide­al tar­get for a lux­u­ry car brand. Ger­man auto man­u­fac­tur­er Mer­cedes-Benz, how­ev­er, has sev­er­al new mod­els that it says come at low­er price points and it is using Insta­gram to make sure mil­len­ni­als not only know about these cars, but are able to inter­act with them on a plat­form that is native to them.

Mer­cedes-Benz USA says it is tak­ing vehi­cle cus­tomiza­tion “one step fur­ther” by bring­ing the expe­ri­ence to Insta­gram via the han­dle @GLA_Build_Your_Own, which uses “the native func­tion­al­i­ty of Insta­gram to allow users to build their own ver­sion of [its] all-new lux­u­ry com­pact SUV with a few sim­ple taps in the app.”

To design one of these SUVs, Mer­cedes’ new GLA mod­el, Insta­gram users search for the user @GLA_Build_Your_Own and tap the image to start. From there, they tap more to choose col­or, wheels, roof and grille. Final­ly, an image of the cus­tomized vehi­cle appears along with the SUV’s MSRP and a mes­sage that says, “Take this pic to your local Mer­cedes-Benz deal­er to get start­ed.”

A YouTube video pro­vides a fur­ther demon­stra­tion.

In order to build the expe­ri­ence, the brand cre­at­ed “hun­dreds of Insta­gram accounts, uploaded more than a thou­sand images and uti­lized the platform’s tag­ging func­tion­al­i­ty” in order to tar­get a “dig­i­tal­ly savvy con­stituen­cy” of “mobile-first con­sumers.”

Mer­cedes’ GLA mod­el launched in Sep­tem­ber and the @GLA_Build_Your_Own cam­paign fol­lows what Mer­cedes calls “the suc­cess of” its #GLApacked Insta­gram cam­paign in which the brand asked “lead­ing cre­ators and influ­encers to imag­ine how they would fill” the GLA “using the foot­print of the GLA’s car­go space.” Per Insta­gram, the #GLApacked hash­tag is asso­ci­at­ed with 280 images.

Accord­ing to Mark Aik­man, depart­ment man­ag­er of dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing and CRM for Mer­cedes-Benz USA, that “suc­cess” refers in part to the influ­encers who helped Mer­cedes flesh out the cam­paign, includ­ing pro golfer Rick­ie Fowler, who helped the brand reach “a tremen­dous num­ber of peo­ple through their own chan­nels.” (For his part, Fowler has 395,000 fol­low­ers on Insta­gram.)

That also includes Insta­gram user @thiswildidea, who took a road trip to Ver­mont in a GLA and took a pho­to of his dog stand­ing on his feet while he did a hand­stand out of the sun­roof. Aik­man said this image went viral. (It has about 62,000 likes on Insta­gram.)

That would be one of the big suc­cess­es we saw – peo­ple learn­ing about the car and talk­ing about the car,” Aik­man said.

Fur­ther, Aik­man said Insta­gram has been “a real­ly impor­tant chan­nel” in launch­ing both Mer­cedes’ CLA and GLA mod­els. The brand ran pre­vi­ous­ly ran a cam­paign for the CLA in which it asked five Insta­gram pho­tog­ra­phers to take a road trip in a CLA and take inspir­ing pho­tos. The pho­tog­ra­ph­er that gen­er­at­ed the most Insta­gram likes got to keep the CLA for good.

Accord­ing to dig­i­tal agency Emerge Inter­ac­tive, which col­lab­o­rat­ed with dig­i­tal agency Razor­fish on the CLA ini­tia­tive, this cam­paign gen­er­at­ed more than 2 mil­lion likes on Insta­gram.

As we devel­oped #GLAPacked, we tried to think about Insta­gram influ­encers and the tar­get for the GLA and what they want to bring on the week­end and came up with the idea of cap­i­tal­iz­ing on a native Insta­gram behav­ior of orga­niz­ing things and tak­ing pic­tures, but this time on the car­go mat of the GLA,” Aik­man said. “We had the idea with our agency Razor­fish to say, ‘How do we real­ly talk about cus­tomers think­ing about their own GLA with­in Insta­gram with­out hav­ing the abil­i­ty to link out, [so we decid­ed to] build our own [cus­tomiza­tion tool] inside Insta­gram, which is the first time any auto brand has done any­thing like this.”

Aik­man calls the GLA “one of [Mer­cedes’] entry lev­el mod­els” and said its start­ing MSRP of $33,000 is “a gate­way to our SUVs.”

We think the design lan­guage and price point is real­ly appeal­ing,” he added.

Experts say the @GLA_Build_Your_Own effort could very well be the first inter­ac­tive Insta­gram cam­paign, but note cus­tomiza­tion is noth­ing new in the car indus­try and beyond, includ­ing brands like Nike, which offers a build-your-own-shoe plat­form.

Dig­i­tal strate­gist Augus­tine Fou is a bit skep­ti­cal, not­ing, “There is a mis­match between the tar­get audi­ence who would want to do that on a smart­phone or tablet and the audi­ence that can afford a $33,000 car.”

But, at the same time, Fou said @GLA_Build_Your_Own is a “nice exper­i­ment.”

Mer­cedes worked with Razor­fish on the lat­est GLA cam­paign.

What do you think about Mer­cedes’ efforts to go after a younger audi­ence?

Lisa Lacy

Written by Lisa Lacy

Lisa is a senior features writer for Inked. She also previously covered digital marketing for Incisive Media. Her background includes editorial positions at Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the Huffington Post, AOL, Amazon, Hearst, Martha Stewart Living and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.

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