Orange #futureself Website Lets People See 20 Years Into Their Future

What would you ask your #future­self?

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 1 comment

Orange’s 20th Anniver­sary Cel­e­bra­tions have seen the inno­v­a­tive French telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions oper­a­tor launch #future­self. A per­son­alised, inter­ac­tive microsite that lets con­sumers see and talk to an avatar of their future selves.

French telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions oper­a­tor Orange cel­e­brat­ed their 20th anniver­sary Sept 9. In addi­tion to light­ing up the streets of Paris, the brand shared the fes­tiv­i­ties with their fol­low­ers around the world with a range of con­tent ini­tia­tives under the hash­tag #Orange20.

The most excit­ing anniver­sary con­tent from Orange was the rolling out of #future­self, an inter­ac­tive microsite that lets users see and talk to a dig­i­tal appari­tion of their future selves.

Orange Image

(Incred­i­ble like­ness right?)

The con­tent, cre­at­ed by Pub­li­cis Con­seil and Jam3, allows users to upload an image of them­selves, which is then processed by advanced facial recog­ni­tion fil­ters and aged exact­ly 20 years. Users can ask their future selves any­thing they want and their dig­i­tal avatars, pow­ered by Google and AT&T speech APIs, will respond.


(Appar­ent­ly I have 14 kids, and am no good at golf. I am how­ev­er a dab hand at ‘Ju-fish-su’.)

For Orange, it sends out the sub­tle mes­sage to cus­tomers that they’ll still be there for us in 20 years, and also rein­forces the brand’s tra­di­tion­al opti­mism and sense of future. (Remem­ber their old brand tagline: “The future’s bright, the future’s Orange.”)

Celebrating The Moment, And The Future

Orange’s brief for Pub­li­cis Con­seil and Jam3 was to refresh their pub­lic per­cep­tion as an inno­va­tor of mobile telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, as well as appeal­ing to a younger demo­graph­ic, who see the brand as “his­tor­i­cal”.

Cecile Leje­une, Account Direc­tor for Pub­li­cis Con­seil revealed the mean­ing behind the #Orange20 cam­paigns in an inter­view with Digi­day:

Orange is def­i­nite­ly well known for its posi­tion in the telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions field, but a bit less for the role the brand plays in the inno­va­tion field. The brief from the client was to under­line that role and try to appeal to the younger demo­graph­ic, who think of the brand as a ‘his­tor­i­cal one’ ”.

Personalized Interactive Content

The #future­self cam­paign expe­ri­enced has proven quite pop­u­lar, receiv­ing 350,000 vis­i­tors in its first week, accord­ing to Pub­li­cis Con­seil. In many respects, the cam­paign played its cards right from the start; per­son­al­ized inter­ac­tive con­tent is both incred­i­bly engag­ing, and incred­i­bly share­able.

Recent years have giv­en us ‘Take a Plane Down Your Street’ from British Air­ways, which let users type in their post­code and see a 747 roll down their street cour­tesy of the Google Street View API, and ‘Mix Off’ from Talk Talk, which broad­cast clips and videos of users danc­ing on TV spots dur­ing screen­ings of the X Fac­tor. There was also Nike’s ‘Write the Future’ cam­paign dur­ing the 2010 World Cup in South Africa which embla­zoned user tweets on the top of a 90m JoBurg sky­scraper.

All of these exam­ples offer users a per­son­al­ized, inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence that both pro­gress­es and rein­forces the val­ues of the brand. With #future­self still trend­ing well on social media, Orange have every rea­son to con­tin­ue cel­e­brat­ing.

Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

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