Stride Rite RiteFit App Helps Parents Find The Right Shoe Size To Buy

Children’s shoe brand Stride Rite hopes to boost online sales and loy­al­ty among par­ents with an app that mea­sures the size of kids’ feet.

Pat Hong By Pat Hong from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

Children’s shoe brand Stride Rite wants to make par­ents’ lives eas­i­er with an iPad app that will deter­mine the size of their kids’ feet by sim­ply tak­ing a pho­to­graph. Increas­ing­ly, shoe sales are shift­ing online, so Stride Rite hopes the app will boost online sales and build brand loy­al­ty by mak­ing it eas­i­er for con­sumers to shop from the com­fort of home.

Children’s shoe brand Stride Rite has launched its Rit­e­Fit iPad app, which it says helps par­ents mea­sure their kids’ feet “with accu­ra­cy and ease.”

Using the app, par­ents take a pho­to of a child’s foot while stand­ing on an 8.5″ x 11″ piece of paper, which the app uses as a ref­er­ence point.

Paper is some­thing most peo­ple have around the house,” said Kristin Smith, Stride Rite’s direc­tor of e‑commerce. “And then you put that on a hard sur­face with the back of the child’s foot on the paper and against a wall and take a pic­ture. Once you take a pic­ture, there are guides that make sure you have paper aligned prop­er­ly and the longest toe is iden­ti­fied, things like that, and you get a size.”

Oth­er app fea­tures include the abil­i­ty to track growth via charts, try on shoes vir­tu­al­ly and share mile­stones and “oth­er infor­ma­tion” via social media.

In addi­tion, the app also offers what Stride Rite calls “foot doo­dles,” art and char­ac­ters to enter­tain kids.

While the Rite­Size app is launch­ing for iPads only, Smith said the intent is to ini­tial­ly get the siz­ing right.

The iPad real­ly allows us to have the largest inter­face size for mobile. Once we have siz­ing down and when we get cus­tomer feed­back [we will launch apps for oth­er devices],” Smith said.

Stride Rite launched anoth­er app ear­li­er this year, the Stride Rite Rewards Mobile app, for its rewards club mem­bers so they can check account bal­ances and enter a week­ly shoe give­away. The Stride Rite Rewards app is avail­able for both iOS and Android devices. Per Google Play, it has between 5,000 and 10,000 installs.

One chal­lenge for par­ents is that kids’ feet grow so fast – up to half a size every three months – and as we shift more and more to online sales, it’s about find­ing a way to solve for that and allow [par­ents] to accu­rate­ly mea­sure at home,” Smith said. “We’ve been think­ing about it for a decent amount of time, but last year we decid­ed to put a plan in place and move for­ward.”

In addi­tion, Rit­e­Fit allows the 95-year-old brand to tar­get grand­par­ents and oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers who don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have a Stride Rite store near­by or who can’t shop at a store for some oth­er rea­son, like it is busy, she said. “Some­times pack­ing up the kids is a daunt­ing expe­ri­ence ver­sus doing this from the com­fort of home,” Smith said. “So we’re mak­ing it easy for Mom and Dad to be able to share the infor­ma­tion.”

Stride Rite says it worked with “dig­i­tal inno­va­tion part­ner” MJD to devel­op the Rit­e­Fit app. Stride Rite did­n’t pro­vide down­load fig­ures to date. The free app launched Novem­ber 10, and is avail­able from iTunes.

Pat Hong

Written by Pat Hong

Editor at Linkdex/Inked, Linkdex

Pat covers the SEO industry, digital marketing trends, and anything and everything around Linkdex. He also authors Linkdex's data analysis and reports, analysing the state of search in various industries.

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