What Is SEO?

SEO is a fusion of tech­ni­cal and archi­tec­tur­al skills, direct­ed by a desire to help con­sumers find the great con­tent that has been craft­ed for them.

Matt Roberts By Matt Roberts from Linkdex. Join the discussion » 0 comments

I’ve been an SEO for so many years I stopped count­ing a long while back, but the last thing I want to write is a his­to­ry of SEO post. What I do want to think about is what it means to opti­mize, what we are opti­miz­ing, and who we are opti­miz­ing for.

Opti­mize is such a great word. Who would not want to be opti­mal and have opti­mal mar­ket­ing and opti­mal web­sites? The real­i­ty is, opti­mal might be an impos­si­ble objec­tive. We can prob­a­bly get very close though. Let’s have a dic­tio­nary moment.



  • make the best or most effec­tive use of (a sit­u­a­tion or resource). “we man­age our time so that we opti­mize our pro­duc­tiv­i­ty”
COMPUTING Rearrange or rewrite (data, soft­ware, etc.) to improve effi­cien­cy of retrieval or pro­cess­ing.

I always think def­i­n­i­tions are impor­tant. They con­strain what things are and, more impor­tant­ly, what they are not. So it looks like as a pro­fes­sion, SEO might be about:

Seiz­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cap­ture a share of the 3 bil­lion dai­ly search­es, with the resources that are avail­able to you, and with­in the con­straints set out and defined by search engines like Google.

Optimal Content

One of the ques­tions I like to ask at the moment is “who has opti­mal con­tent?” The more mar­kets I ana­lyze, the more I see that the win­ners have more and bet­ter con­tent than the oth­er com­peti­tors in their mar­ket. In oth­er words, most web­sites have sub­op­ti­mal con­tent. This is not a post of answers to ques­tions such as “how do you cre­ate an opti­mal con­tent strat­e­gy for a mar­ket?” It’s a post designed to see whether the ques­tions I ask myself will res­onate with you. Are these the right ques­tions to help us opti­mize for search engines? What oth­er ques­tions should we be ask­ing? “What is the opti­mal amount of con­tent to have in your mar­ket?” When think­ing about the answer I can tell you that the only place to start is with the con­sumer. The peo­ple doing those 3 bil­lion search­es a day. Those peo­ple are your cus­tomers and they want to find your web­site to gain knowl­edge, make lists, com­pare options and fea­tures, find the best price, and more. They want to use a full-stack of devices to access your con­tent and might want to move from your app to your web­site seam­less­ly. And, most impor­tant­ly, those peo­ple have giv­en you clues about every­thing they want to read in the key­words they typed in, and whether you see a list of key­words or deep insights into your con­sumer will often be the dif­fer­ence between a good and great con­tent strat­e­gy. Opti­mal and sub­op­ti­mal. Because we’re play­ing most­ly in Google play­ground we’ve got to play by Google’s rules. Google has giv­en us all some pret­ty big clues in their Qual­i­ty Guide­lines. But don’t expect any sur­pris­es in this chunky doc­u­ment.

Optimal Websites

Con­tent is more vis­i­ble on web­sites that have been opti­mized for search engines, devices, and con­sumers. This means that SEO is a fusion of tech­ni­cal and archi­tec­tur­al skills, direct­ed by a desire to help the con­sumer find the “great con­tent” that has been craft­ed for them. Could your web­site:

With­out good answers, your web­site is sub­op­ti­mal and traf­fic will suf­fer.

Optimal Links, Mentions, Shares

This is impor­tant. Not because it’s part of the rank­ing algo­rithm, but because it’s a good mea­sure of web­site and busi­ness health. Great brands with great prod­ucts and con­tent that are engag­ing with their var­i­ous stake­hold­er audi­ences (cus­tomers, jour­nal­ists, and blog­gers) should get men­tions, links, and shares. Get­ting this in an opti­mal way means answer­ing the big ques­tion: Why? Why would these audi­ences men­tion, link to, and share what you’d like them to? It also means engag­ing. If you don’t make the calls, you don’t make the sales. Are you hav­ing an opti­mal num­ber of con­ver­sa­tions?

Optimal Resources

Then, of course, you’ve got the idea of opti­miz­ing resources. What still amazes me is how under­in­vest­ed organ­ic search is as a chan­nel when com­pared to oth­er avail­able marketing/media chan­nels. An oppor­tu­ni­ty missed or plain insan­i­ty? How about both! It turns out that most com­pa­nies are exe­cut­ing a sub­op­ti­mal SEO strat­e­gy with sub­op­ti­mal resources and won­der­ing con­stant­ly why they aren’t win­ning their mar­ket or even mov­ing in the right direc­tion. When were you ever asked, what is the opti­mal amount of resource need­ed to achieve busi­ness objec­tives and if you had more resources, what could be achieved? Opti­mal will depend on your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, mar­ket, oppor­tu­ni­ty, and ambi­tion. Your resource shop­ping list will include peo­ple with spe­cif­ic knowl­edge and skills, tech­nol­o­gy, and data. It might also include orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture, team­work, and part­ners like agen­cies.

Optimal Behavior

The final area of opti­miza­tion that makes all the dif­fer­ence is one of atti­tude and behav­ior. A can-do, sleeves rolled up, hard-work­ing atti­tude matched with action can achieve amaz­ing things. There’s no mag­ic but­ton that makes SEO hap­pen. At least I haven’t found one. There is the abil­i­ty to plan well, work hard, and get the rewards.

Matt Roberts

Written by Matt Roberts

Chief Strategy Officer, Linkdex

Matt has worked in marketing for over 20 years with SEO being his focus for nearly a decade. As Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, he is the driving force behind the Linkdex platform. Matt works with clients across the globe to discover opportunities to use data, insights, and processes to grow organic traffic and revenue – and give our clients an unfair advantage. Matt cycles and with a growing collection of road bikes, he is fast becoming a cycling geek.

Inked is published by Linkdex, the SEO platform of choice for professional marketers.

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